We understand that despite all efforts to ensure your purchases arrive in perfect condition, incidents during shipping can sometimes occur, causing damage to the ordered products. This section has been specifically created to guide you through the process of reporting and managing transport damage, ensuring a quick and effective resolution of the issue.

  1. Here is the procedure for reporting transport damage.
    1. Inspection of the package upon delivery: It is essential to inspect the package in the presence of the courier at the time of delivery. Any visible signs of damage, such as dents, tears, or suspicious openings, or the delivery of a number of packages not corresponding to the order must be immediately reported.
    2. Signing with reservations: If anomalies are found, you must sign the delivery document “with reservations,” specifying the reason (e.g., “Damaged package”). This step is crucial to support your damage report and to ensure the transport damage insurance remains valid.
    3. Accessing the reporting page: No later than 24 hours after receiving the package, access this dedicated transport damage reporting section on the Caffè Italia website and fill out the reporting form, including all the required details.
    4. Photographic documentation: It is important to attach clear photographs showing the reported damages to the reporting form. These images are essential for an accurate damage assessment and for processing your report. Clear images showing the external condition of the packaging, the damaged areas, and the shipping label with the tracking number clearly visible are required.
    5. Evaluation and resolution: Once we receive your report complete with photographic documentation, our team will quickly assess the case and contact you with instructions on how to proceed with the replacement or refund of the damaged product.


    Upload Images or Videos of the Damaged Product